Build Your Tribe Bundle (E-Book, Slide Deck, Executive Summary)

Build Your Tribe Bundle (E-Book, Slide Deck, Executive Summary)


In years past, you had to be a well-known celebrity, politician, or leader to be considered a person of influence. Today, that’s not the case. The internet, social media, and smartphones have changed everything, and now, literally anyone can build an audience and become an influencer. This bundle shows you the steps to take to build a solid tribe online, how to collaborate with brands, and even how to spice up your presence on social media to attract opportunities.

How to use this bundle...

  • Record a free video training series, then pitch your coaching program

  • Print copies of the book and giveaway as a lead generator (or sell it!) then offer a paid consultation

  • Host a series of live streams, ClubHouse rooms, or a webinar

  • Run a Challenge, then sell your membership program or group coaching program

  • Make it part of a paid

...and the list goes on!

In this Bundle you get:

  • 56-page eBook

  • 100-slide Presentation (ready to record as your own!)

  • 8-page Executive Summary

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