Detox Yourself: The Complete Detox Guide

Detox Yourself: The Complete Detox Guide
There's a lot of common misconceptions about detoxification. If you have an Instagram account, or a Twitter feed, or even a Facebook timeline, you probably have heard of detox. Maybe people have gone on a juice diet, maybe they have been juicing all sorts of fruits and vegetables.
It seems like everybody and his dog is going on the detox bandwagon. Unfortunately, just like "love," the more people use the word detox, the more confused everybody gets. It's as if two people are saying the word detox, but they are two totally different things.
Please understand that the reason why people are talking about detoxification. in the first place, is because it works. Most people need a detoxification program, but what complicates things is the fact that the things that we readily assume are toxins are the least of our worries.